In 3010, he supported Proposition ∞ ( 6ACV04), he made a big party to celebrate his wedding to an house ( 6ACV07), saw Amy and Kif at the Hip Joint ( 6ACV08), attended the 100th Delivery Party ( 6ACV12). In 3009, he attended the Violet Dwarf Star Implosion ( ITWGY). In 3008, he was present at the League of Robots when Bender entered the league ( TBWABB). In 3007, he saw the professor's doomsday devices ( BBS). In 3004, he attended the Calculon- Coilette wedding ( 4ACV13), and asked Fry to write an opera ( 4ACV18). In 3003, Hedonism Bot attended the Big Robot Party ( 4ACV08).